Now more automisation has been done, Import of B2B portal file downloaded from portal is able to upload through button. Duplicate or Double file can not be uploaded. In case any amendment in B2B or CDNR is avaiable, utility will inform that the amendment data is available for manual action.
In master sheet, GSTNo option is also available to protect wrong file upload.
Friends, GSTR2A / GSTR2B Recon has been updated with new rules. Now a single menu has been generated for all Excel Sheets. Specifically, GSTR3B sheet has been updated with Automatic Creation. Now there is no need to remember data of Reclaim which was reversed in earlier month.
Main features of this Utility is given below :-
To define Month of Portal ITC Data, user have to Enter manully number of month in the last column of Portal Data in B2B (Portal Data) sheet named GSTR2B (Portal Data) of Menu.
Sales Data Invoice wise will be entered and outward liablity will be captured in GSTR3B automatically.
RCM data invoice wise will be entered and outward liablity will be captured in GSTR3B automatically.
Exempted Sales data invoice wise will be entered and outward liablity will be captured in GSTR3B automatically.
Nil rated data invoice wise will be entered and outward liablity will be captured in GSTR3B automatically.
Carried forward or Reclaim ITC will be auto captured in GSTR3B on the basis of Portal Data and Books ITC.
Friends, As everyone knows that the GST Department has updated GSTR3b for the Month Jan 2023. Now amount of Debit or Credit Notes will be reflected in All Other ITC Column. Earlier it was shown in Others Column of ITC Reversed.
Keeping in view of the above, Excel Recon Release 4.1 in excel has been updated accordingly. Now data will be automatically shown in All Other ITC Column. Screen shot of the screen as also given below :-