Calculation is easy through calculator and computer. But without calculation and without computer, calculation is also simple. you can do Fast Multiply with the help of below formula. Some words are required to remember for Fast and Easy Multiply. Like as Base+Add+Multiply.
Base :- Base of Multiply.
Add :- Normal plus.
Multiply :- Normal multiply.
First Example :-
Multiply 14 x 13 = ?
To multiply 14 x 13 , Base will be 10 and 4 is extra in 14 and 3 is extra in 13.
14-10 = 4
13-10 = 3
In this way Base = 10
Add = 4+3 = 7
Multiply = 4x3 = 12
Answer will be Base+Add+Multiply
10 + 7 =(17x10) +12 =182
Second Example :-
Multiply 108 x 105 = ?
Base = 100
Add = 8+5 = 13
Multiply = 8x5 = 40
Result 100 +13 = 113 x 100 = 11300+40= 11340
Finally formula for Fast/Easy Multiply will be called as under:-
(Base +Add)x Base +Multiply