Friends, Yesterday It was posted that challan modification can not be done after showing Booked Status of challan at Now someone has asked a question that why change is required in challan detail after Booked Status at NSDL.
Answer of question is that original return is submitted with section code 94J instead of 94C and Rate of Tax has also mentioned as per 94J whereas TDS has been deducted and deposited u/s 94C. Due to matching of TDS amount and it's Challan Deposit Date and Serial Number, NSDL is showing status as "BOOKED". Now Income Tax Department has raised demand for TDS difference between 94J and 94C. In this way change in challan detail is required. I mean to say correction return is to be submitted with replacing 94J to 94C.
To resolve this error, It is clear that challan modification can not be done after showing Status Booked. But correction is required as explained above, Therefore delete "Deductee Detail" relating to the challan in question (booked under 94J code ) and add a new Challan with section code 94C and respectively add new records of deductee's relating to this challan. In this way, C9- Add new Challan and C-3 Correction in Deductee detail, batch files will be generated through creation of correction statement.