Friends In general, it is recommended not to submit cancellation Statement "Y". First of all everyone should try to correct their e-tds/e-tcs statement through submission of correction statement which can be submitted more than one time. I mean to say that re-correction statement can be submitted many times. In last there may be lot of reasons vide which only cancellation statement is required. For example you have tried many times to submit re-correction , but fail. I once again request the re-correction statement can be submitted many times. I have also tried it with success.
Now, I want to share that How can we create Cancellation Statement through NSDL Software. Yes, It is too much easy to create a "Y" Cancellation statement. Update Tan option under "Updater Deductor Details" will be used as shown in below picture.
As and when we use Update Tan option , No other correction can be made in statement. I mean to say only Tan Number can be changed at a time. In case other fields are to be changed, another correction statement will be submitted.
In this way, if you want to create only cancellation statement you may enter "xxxxxxxxxx" as a new tan in the field named as "Tax Deduction and Collection Account No. (TAN)* " as shown in above picture. Then use Create file button . Two files will be created one for cancellation statement and second for new tan. Only cancellation statement will be vaildated by NSDL software. But you can submit the same for cancel your statement. Name of the cancellation FVU file will be as shown as under
"Y" Cancellation FVU = 26QYQ1.fvu or 26QYQ2.fvu or 26QYQ3.fvu or 26QYQ4.fvu
In this way cancellation statement can be uploaded. Second FVU file will be validated only when we enter enter correct TAN as a New Tan number.
Picture of Cancelled Statement on viewing Status of Quarterly Statement at
(Some Fields like as Provisional Receipt Number or File Ref. No. and Provisional Receipt Dates have been removed in picture due to security purpose)
(Click on picture to view the complete picture)
Sample of FVU file:-
2^BH^1^^24Q^Y^^029950800000085^029950800000085^^^MUMN77777A^MUMN77777A^^^200607^200506^Q1^ABC Limited^^^^^^^^^^^^^O^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^N^^
(Picture view of fvu file created for "Y" Statement)