The ITR-V relates to Assessment Year 2010-11 to Assessement Year 2012-13 can be submitted upto 31-03-2013. This time has been exteneded by department vide Notification No. SO 16(E) dated 4.1.12 for those who have submitted their income tax returns electronically without digital siganture certificae. Detail of press release is given below :-
The Director General of Income Tax
(System) as per powers assigned to it under
clause (ii) of Para 14 read with clause (7) of Para 4 of the ‘Centralized Processing of Returns Scheme, 2011’, issued as
per C B D T Notification No. SO 16(E)
dated 4.1.2012, has decided to extend the time limit for filing ITR-V forms
relating to Income Tax Returns filed
electronically (without digital signature Certificate) for A.Y. 2010-11 [filed during
F.Y.2011-12] and for ITRs of A.Y. 2011-12 [filed on or after 1.4.2011] till 28th February, 2013. In respect of returns filed for A.Y. 2012-13
for which ITR-V forms are yet to be received at CPC and time of 120
days has also elapsed, time limit for filing of ITR-V is extended upto 31st
March, 2013 or within a period of 120 days from the date of uploading of the electronic return data,
whichever is later
2. The Relaxation has been made since there are
still a large number of electronic returns
relating to A.Y. 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 for which the ITR-V forms have
not yet been received at the Centralized
Processing Centre (CPC), Bengaluru.
These taxpayers are being given
an opportunity to send ITR-V forms to the CPC, Bengaluru by the date mentioned in para 1 above. March,
2013 or within a period of 120 days from the date of uploading of the electronic return data,
whichever is later.
Taxpayers can also verify their status of receipt of ITR-V at e-filing website
They can also download the ITR-V from the same website from sub-menu My Return under main-menu of My account after login into abovementioned website.
The ITR-V forms should be sent by ordinary post or speed post addressed to CPC,
Post Bag No.1, Electronic City Post
Office, Bengaluru-560100.