Monday, May 5, 2014

e-TDS : - Important Points For Correction TDS/TCS statement.

How many times can I furnish a correction TDS/TCS statement?
A correction TDS/TCS statement can be furnished multiple times to incorporate changes in the regular TDS/TCS statement whereas a regular TDS/TCS statement will be accepted at the TIN central system only once.

What are the important points to be kept in mind while preparing correction statement more than once on the same regular statement?
You have to kept in mind, the following points while preparing correction statement more than once on the same regular statement:

1. The TDS/TCS statement on which correction is to be prepared should be updated with details as per all previous corrections.
2. Modifications/addition/deletion in correction statements accepted at the TIN central system only should be considered.

The first correction filed by me contains three types of correction (three PRNs / Token Number) and one of the types of correction has got rejected at the TIN central system. What should I do?
The steps as under should be followed:
1. You have to update modifications as per the accepted corrections in the TDS statement.
2. Identify the record for which correction was rejected earlier by its sequence no. and fields for identification
3. Correct the said record.
4. Correction statement should contain updated values as well as value of identification field as per regular statement.

Which Provisional Receipt Number / Token Number should I quote while preparing correction statement more than once on the same regular statement?
There are two fields for Provisional Receipt Number (PRN) / Token Number in a correction statement as under:
a. Original Provisional Receipt Number / Token Number - PRN of the regular statement should be mentioned in this field.
b. Previous Provisional Receipt Number / Token Number - PRN of the last accepted correction statement should be mentioned in this field. In case the value in this field is incorrectly mentioned, the statement will get rejected at TIN central system for the reason: "Either Previous Provisional Receipt No. provided is incorrect or combination of Original Provisional Receipt Number / Token Number and Previous Provisional Receipt Number / Token Number is not in sequence"


Single batch correction statement - Only one type of correction in the file

a. You have filed a regular statement having PRN / Token Number 010010200083255 and subsequently filed a single batch correction statement having PRN / Token Number 010010300074112. While preparing correction statement, you have to mention PRN / Token Number 010010200083255 in the field original PRN and the PRN / Token Number 010010300074112 in the field Previous PRN.

Multiple batch correction statement - different types of correction in a single file

b. You have filed a regular statement having PRN / Token Number 010010200083255 and subsequently filed a multi batch correction statement having three batches and corresponding PRNs / Token Numbers as 010010300074112, 010010300074123 and 010010300074134. While preparing the correction statement, you have to mention PRN / Token Number 010010200083255 in the field original PRN and check the status of all the three PRNs of correction statement.

>>If all the three PRNs / Token Numbers are accepted at the TIN central system, you may mention any of the three PRNs / Token Numbers in the field previous PRN.

>>If any of the three PRNs / Token Numbers is rejected, then you should mention the PRN / Token Number which has been accepted at the TIN central system in the field Previous PRN.

>>If all the three PRNs / Token Numbers are rejected, then you must mention the PRN / Token Number of the regular statement, i.e. 010010200083255 in the field Previous PRN.

How many times can I update PAN of a deductee/transacting party?
Structurally valid PAN of a deductee in the regular statement can be updated to another structurally valid PAN only once.

When does a statement get ‘Partially Accepted’?
A correction statement containing updates in PAN of deductee/employee may get Partially Accepted. This is possible when the PAN in the any of the records being updated by you in the correction statement is invalid, i.e. PAN not present in PAN Master Database. In such a scenario, the said record gets rejected resulting in partial acceptance of the statement.

What should I do if the status of correction statement filed by me is ‘Partially accepted’?
In case correction statement is in status ‘Partially accepted’, you have follow steps as under:
1. You have to update modifications as per the accepted records in the TDS statement.
2. Identify the deductee/salary record which has got rejected due to invalid PAN.
3. Rectify the incorrect PAN
4. Correction statement should contain value of identification keys as per regular statement along with the updated values.

What could be the cause of rejection of TDS/TCS statement for the reason “Total Deposit amount of deductees is more than Challan amount actually deposited in bank”?
The total tax deposited amount as per challan should be greater than or equal to the total tax deposited amount as per deductee details, else a regular TDS/TCS statement will not get validated through FVU.

If you file a correction statement for adding deductee records under a particular challan, the total tax deposited as per challan in regular statement should be greater than or equal to the total tax deposited in deductee details as per regular as well as correction statement.

Note: Amount in the fields Interest and others in the challan is not considered in the total tax deposited as per challan.

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