Thursday, March 31, 2016


Friends,   It is proper time to handle Income Tax Form 15G or 15H which is required for non deduction of Income Tax from any Payment such as Interest to Unsecured Loan or Bank Interest on your Deposit in the shape of Term Deposit / Fixed Deposit etc. 

                  In case you have any deposit in bank or you are eligible to submit Form 15G or 15H to the bankers or any other financial institutes.  Banks are going to credit your Interest on your  Deposit on 31.03.2016 and also  will deduct TDS on it u/s 94A if it goes more than 10,000 (Ten Thousand).  

                  Now,  if you are eligible than form 15G or 15H can be submitted for the financial year 2015-16 and financial year 2016-17. 

Who can use Form 15G or who can use Form 15H
  1. A person whose age is less than 60 years and his income is less than taxable income after availing all Deductions like 80 C etc. CAN USE FORM 15G.
  2. A person whose is SENIOR CITIZEN or age  equal to or greater  than 60 years and his income is less than taxable income after availing all Deductions like 80 C etc. CAN USE FORM 15H.

Download your required / editable Form 15G / 15H (Click Here)

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