Thursday, August 18, 2016

Income Tax :- Refund of Income Tax

Friends   Income Tax Department has sent lot of refund of income tax of those assessee who have sent their ITR returns in time for the Financial Year 2015-16 or Assessment Year 2016-17.   Lot of assessees are in wait to get their amount of refund but do not know why they have not received their refund of income tax.  They should check their refund on Income Tax site and should  know the correct reason  for non-receipt of refund of income tax.   There may be many reasons like wrong Bank Account Number , wrong Communication Address , Non-availability  of  deducted TDS/ self deposit Income Tax  in form 26AS etc.  Regarding refund of income tax some steps are given below in the interest of Assessees : - 


​​View Refund/ Demand Status

To view Refund/ Demand Status, please follow the below steps:

  1. Login to e-Filing website with User ID, Password, Date of Birth / Date of Incorporation and Captcha.
  2. Go to My Account and click on "Refund/Demand Status".
  3. Below details would be displayed.
    • Assessment Year
    • Status
    • Reason (For Refund Failure if any)
    • Mode of Payment is displayed.
Taxpayer can now view Refund/ Demand Status.

How to Request for Refund Re-issue (in case of refund failure)

To request for Refund Re-issue, please follow the below steps:

  1. Login to e-Filing website with User ID, Password, Date of Birth/ Date of Incorporation and Captcha.
  2. Go to My Account and click on "Refund Re-issue Request".
  3. Enter PAN, Assessment Year, CPC Communication Reference Number, Refund Sequence Number (available on the 143(1) Intimation order and Click on 'Validate' button.
  4. After validation, taxpayer can select the mode of Refund Reissue from the options.
    The two modes of Refund Reissue are:
    • ECS
    • By Paper (Cheque)
  5. Taxpayer can select to update the Bank Account Details from the option under the field 'Do you want to update Bank Account details?
    'If the taxpayer selects 'Yes', taxpayer has to enter details in the additional fields i.e. Bank Account number, Type of Account and IFSC code/ MICR code.
  6. Taxpayer can select the address to which the cheque has to be sent under the dropdown 'Category'.
    • If the taxpayer selects 'ITR Address', address provided in the ITR uploaded is used.
    • If the taxpayer selects 'PAN Address', address provided in the PAN is used.
    • If the taxpayer selects 'New Address', taxpayer has to enter details in the additional fields displayed.
  7. Taxpayer clicks on "Submit" to validate the details.
    On successful validation, Taxpayer will get the message success message .
This ends the process of refund re-issue by Taxpayer.

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