Tuesday, September 13, 2016

e-TDS : - OLTAS Challan Correction request by Deductor

Friends,   Income Tax Department has provided a link to request for correction of   BSR code , Major  Code, Minor Code or Financial Year of OLTAS Challan.  This link is available for deductor after login as deductor at www.tdscpc.gov.in

There are a checklist for making request which is given below : -

Check List  for OLTAS Challan Correction 

Sr. No.          Validation
1.            Please ensure that your Assessing Officer is not giving credit of the challan 
               manually for which you are submitting the challan correction from website.

2.            Please ensure that there is no Online Challan Correction is in progress 
               through TRACES or challan correction in the TDS/TCS statement through NSDL

3.            Please ensure that no OLTAS challan correction from Assessing
              Officer is in progress.

4.            Please ensure that no refund request should be initiated against
              OLTAS challan for which you are submitting the challan 
              correction from website.

5.           Please ensure that your assessing officer should not use the challan for tagging 
              interest/fees for which you are submitting the challan correction from website.

After that a deductor make request for correction in OLTAS challan. 

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