Monday, December 12, 2016

Income Tax : - Advance Income Tax Due Date 15-12-2016 and their payment sources

Friends,  Third installment of payment of Advance Income Tax is due on 15th December, 2016.  Total amount of advance tax upto 15th Dec, 2016 should be 75 % of the Total Income Tax due for A.Y. 17-18.  For more clarity of Advance Tax due dates , detailed due dates with their percentages are given below :- 

Due Dates for payment of Advance Tax

FY 2016-17
For both individual and corporate taxpayers
Due DateAdvance Tax Payable
On or before 15th June15% of total advance tax
On or before 15th September45% of total advance tax
On or before 15th December75% of total advance tax
On or before 15th March100% of total advance tax
Advance Income Tax can be paid through online or through physical challan using Challan No. 280.
-To make online payment Click Here 
-To make physical payment Click Here

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