Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mobile Numbers Portability


                Now, implementation of portability of Mobile Numbers has been extended upto 31-October-2010. Mainly all networks technically upgraded and ready to convert their numbers to each others. For example if you using a mobile with airtel connection and want to change due to change in services in BSNL, there will be no need to change mobile number. Your mobile number will not be changed with BSNL services. It will be beneficial for Mobile users. The below information has been given by the Minister of State for Communications and Information technology, Shri Sachin Pilot in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today. 

             All the networks in the country have been technically upgraded for implementations of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) Service and the network of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) is in the process of upgradation. However, the readiness of networks can be ascertained after comprehensive testing of networks which is being conducted across all the networks. Government is regularly monitoring the status of implementation of MNP including readiness of the networks. All the networks of the Access Service Providers in all the service areas and International Long Distance Operators (ILDOs) in the country have to be ready and tested for satisfactory performance in post MNP implementation scenario before the MNP Service is commercially launched. In case, any of the networks is not ready and MNP service is launched, it will not be possible to make calls from that network to ported numbers of other network.

               The Government had set the time line for implementation of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) Service as 31st March 2010 in the month of December, 2009 which was further extended to 30th June 2010. The whole network {all Access Service Providers in all service areas and International Long Distance Operators (ILDOs)} in the country have to be ready and tested before the MNP Service is implemented. Keeping the complexity and enormity to the testing involved before MNP is implemented and keeping in view of the status of implementation by various operators in the month of June, 2010, Government has extended the time line for implementation of MNP to 31st October, 2010. 

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