Before knowing Sms based service for challan status, we should know what is challan status. A deductor who deduct tax and deposit tax via e-payment for in bank, requires to know the status of his challan. In this way, before filing any etds/etcs return it is necessary to check the status whether the deposited amount has been properly accounted in your TAN number for not. Lot of time I have found that amount deposited by deductor in bank do not display in his TAN number during the enquiry of challan status. It is completely free utility provided by NSDL at In case you want to check your challan status, you may also take help of following link.
Check Challan Status Here
Now, secondly in many cases we don't check challan status due to Non availability of Internet Connection . I mean to say there are many chances/times, you have not internet connection or internet connection is not working well. For facing such difficulty, SMS Based facility is also provided by NSDL. It is also an excellent service which can be used through your mobile. Complete detail regarding SMS based service of Challan Status is explained below.