Sunday, December 19, 2010

How to correct e-TDS/e-TCS return without FVU file

Friends, Correction in e-TDS/e-TCS return with FVU (File Validity Utility) file is already explained, Now it has come to notice that some corrections can be done without having FVU file.   It means you want to correct you e-TDS/e-TCS return and you have not your old FVU file.  It looks like magic.  But it true that some out of many types of corrections can be done without fvu file.  First of we should know that How many are corrections can be done ?
  • (C1) Correction : Type of correction statement by a TAN for a quarter for a form.
  • (C2) Correction : Type of correction statement which can update deductor details (excluding TAN)/challan details
  • (C3) Correction : Type of correction statement which can update deductor (excluding TAN) and/or challan and/or deductee details.
  • (C4) : Correction : Addition/Deletion of Salary detail records (Appliable  in only  24Q4)
  • (C5) : Correction : Type or correction statement which can update PAN of deductee.
  • (C9) Correction : Type of correction statement which can add a challan and its under lying deductee details
  • (CY) Correction : Type of correction statement to cancel the regular statement (only in case of TAN change.)
It is recommended  to submit correction statement with FVU, but there may be chances that you are unable to collect FVU file if after successful TAN registration.  In such cases only two type of correction can be done like as C(9) and C(Y).  Means Addition of new challans and Cancellation of e-TDS/e-TCS TAN return.

Trick to Prepare correction Statement without FVU
           The following details are required to prepare correction statement without fvu.
  1. TAN Number
  2. Original Acknowledgement Number of e-TDS/e-TCS return.
On having only above two things you can easily collect following details through Quarterly Statement Status at or Click here .
  1. Last/Previous Acknowledgement Number accepted by TIN.
  2. No's of Challans
  3. No's of Deductees
With the help of above data you should have prepare a original fictitious return and generate FVU file containing same numbers of challans and same numbers of deductees and then prepare correction statement only for C(9) Addition of New Challans or C(Y) cancellation of TAN etc. 

(In last, it is once again recommended to prepare correction statement with FVU files only, the above trick (for C9 or CY) may only be used by deductor only if  deductor  has no other source to collect the fvu from any other source. )

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