Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Online TAN Registration Procedure in Detail

a. Details of Deductor/Collector
  1. Mention details of deductor/collector i.e. TAN & TAN Name.
  2. Select appropriate deductor/collector category from the dropdown.
  3. Mention PAN of the deductor/collector. Mention “PANNOTREQD”, in case PAN is not available i.e. deductor is not required to have PAN as per the statute.
  4. The fields PAO Code and DDO Code are mandatorily required to be filled for deductor category “Central Government”.
  5. If PAO Code is not available, then mention value “PAOCDNOTAVBL”.
  6. If DDO Code is not available, then mention value “DDOCDNOTAVBL”.
  7. For PAO Registration number, mention registration number allotted, if any, by Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA) under New Pension System (NPS).
  8. For DDO Registration number, mention registration number allotted, if any, by Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA) under New Pension System (NPS).
b. Contact Details of Deductor/Collector
  1. Mention demographic details of deductor (TAN) i.e. complete address and contact details.
  2. Provide valid email id and telephone no. / mobile no., as the same will be used for subsequent communication.
  3. It is mandatory to provide one e-mail ID.
  4. Provide mobile no. for deductor other than Central govt. and State govt.
  5. Provide details of responsible person and designation.
c. Statement Details
  1. Mention details of any regular e-TDS / TCS quarterly statement accepted in TIN on or after April 01, 2008.
  2. Before providing statement details, check status of statement at the Quarterly Statement Status available at TIN website by entering the TAN and Token Number (earlier known as Provisional Receipt Number).
  3. Enter details of only electronic regular statement accepted at TIN central system.
  4. For entering statement details, you may refer the Provisional Receipt issued at the time of acceptance of the e-TDS / TCS statement or FVU statement statistic report generated by FVU (File Validation Utility) on successful validation of TDS/TCS statement.
d. TAN account details
  1. Select the user ID and password for operating TAN account.
  2. Password entered is case sensitive.
  3. Preserve the user ID and password provided.
  4. Select security question and corresponding answer.
  5. Preserve the security question and corresponding answer.
e. Generation of Acknowledgement/ TAN registration number
  1. Provide the details in the fields marked with asterisk (*).
  2. After filling up the information, click “submit”. On submission of details, if any errors are provided, rectify and re-submit the form.
  3. A confirmation screen with all the data filled by the user is displayed. The same can be either confirmed or edited by selecting the respective option provided at the end of the screen.
  4. On selecting the option ‘edit’, user is taken to the page of registration for editing the details.
  5. On selecting the option ‘confirm’, 12 digit acknowledgement number will be displayed.
  6. Print the acknowledgment and preserve the same for future use.
  7. For future correspondence, mention the TAN registration number provided by TIN along with the TAN.

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