As Microsoft Office is being used by everyone while typing any document in M.S. Word or any easy and fast calculations in M.S. Excel. It is very much common programme in all offices. Sometimes we have many files of word or excel for printing. One procedure is simple that open each and every file and print them one by one. It takes time in printing and our sitting is also required in front of computer to complete the job. But we have another idea to complete the job quickly i.e. click print button and there will be no need of your attention on computer. Step by step detail is given as under :
- First of all place all documents in a single folder.
- Open a file in word or excel and set printer and margin etc. It is one time process.
- Select files to be printed through click on file while holding Control Key.
- Click on Print option as shown in below picture. All printing will be complete of office document.
In the above procedure you can do another work while documents are being printing.